Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Believe when you pray!

"Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24

I am starting this blog in order to share the awesome things that we are experiencing by being "doers" of the word. "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22.  This blog is a way that I can chronicle the life that we are living in Christ Jesus and share testimonies that will encourage others to pursue their walk in a practical and simple way. Only believe..


There is a couple that goes to our church and they usually sit near us. For two weeks, I had an unction that she needed prayer. I was not obedient for two weeks and on the third Sunday, I asked if she needed prayer for something. I asked her if they were trying to have a baby and they both said no. She told me that she did need prayer and that she was not happy at her job. She wanted to do something else; either work for a nonprofit organization or perhaps in the church. She then said that they were trying to sell their house. I hugged her and prayed with her at that moment. I spoke and asked God to open doors and close doors regarding her job situation. I binded up hindrances that were coming against her on her current job. I then binded up the spiritual hindrances that were coming against the buyer that God had for their house. I spoke that their house would see in two weeks; all in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

The next Sunday, she came up all excited and told me that they were going to look at a house after church. She said that she had had the best week at work, and that someone had called about their house. I told her that we still had one week because I spoke that it would see in two weeks.

This past Sunday, this sweet young lady told me that she needed to talk to me after church. I went to her and she teared up and told me that their house had sold in one day! All of the transactions are being done regarding both houses in less than thirty days. My tears of joy came easily after hearing her testimony of the power of God's word working in their life. I asked their forgiveness because the Lord was directing me two weeks before I was actually obedient. They gladly forgave me. She then asked me if I would teach her these things. She wants to learn how to pray and apply the word in their life. I invited them to our Bible study, and also told her that I would teach them all that I knew.

I realized after it was all over, a seed had been planted and conception had taken place. I thought that it was them trying to have a baby in the natural, but it was spiritual conception of the word of God coming alive for them.

The key to the scripture in Mark 11:24 is to believe that you received when you prayed, not when you see the results.

Thank you Father! I love you.